Monday, December 8, 2008

Chapter two - Lanister

"It's all bullshit anyway." Captain Minson talked over the cackle of the fire. "Holengale ain't gonna attack us any time soon. Bunch of cowards, they are."
The men in Lanisters unit chuckled. They had been position at the boarder over three months ago, and still not a sight of the cowardly Holengale warriors. During the day they would train, during the night they would share stories and riddles.
They boarder itself was nothing more then a flat plane dotted with the occasional tree. The planes stretched for miles in either direction, and they were more then a mile wide.
Lanister slowly rose to his feet, and started off for his tent. Most of the other men in his unit would be up for hours, but Lanister was tired, and wanted nothing more then to lay his head down and let sleep wash over him.
"Bugger..." he said quietly to himself. He never understood why the tents had to be so damn far from the camp. He tripped over a stone, and cursed. He got to his feet once more, when a rustling shattered the silence around him.
"Uh, hello?" He asked. Lanister could see nothing in the darkness, and, due to his absentmindedness, forgot to bring a lantern. He waited as the night returned to the silence he was accustomed to.
'Probably the wind' he thought as he reached his tent. He slid off his armor and lay down to sleep. Within seconds dreams of war invaded his mind.

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